The Suzuki Talent Education Approach was created by Japanese violinist Shinichi Suzuki in the mid 20th century. Dr. Suzuki's main idea is revolutionary yet straightforward: every child has the ability to become a talented musician, just as they have the ability to learn their native language- primarily through listening and repetition. Suzuki created the key elements of his comprehensive approach by intently studying the ways in which young children learn their native language. Students trained in the Suzuki approach develop into talented learners not only musically, but in an array of subjects.
What happens in a Suzuki Lesson?
If you choose the Suzuki approach your child will learn to play the violin by listening, imitating and repeating, just as they learned to talk. Suzuki training also puts an emphasis on parental involvement. Students 12 and younger must have a parent present at each lesson who will also assist them with at home practice. This helps ensure that your child will reach his or her full potential. In addition to work on solo pieces and scales, and depending on the student's age and ability level, a lesson might include:
- Games
- Singing
- Ear training exercises
- Listening exercises
- Music history / theory